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Scratch for Beginners
Getting Started and Creating a Scratch Account (8:33)
Your First Scripts (13:09)
Creating Clones and Motion (12:33)
Our First Game: Pong
Intro (3:09)
Coordinates and Moving Platforms (11:43)
Directions and Moving the Ball (15:34)
Scoring and Finishing the Game (16:26)
Building a Drawing App in Scratch
Intro (2:19)
Creating the Sprites (11:18)
Finishing the Sprites and the Backdrop (11:22)
Programming the Pen (11:56)
The Buttons and the Magic Wand (11:04)
Shoot the Monster
Intro (1:42)
Starting the Game (14:36)
Preparing the Player and the Monster (8:35)
Hitting the Monster (12:08)
Multiple Levels (19:55)
The Monster Strikes Back (12:36)
The Monster Shoots Time Bombs, Game Over (11:47)
Winning the Game (16:22)
Flappy Bird
Intro (1:42)
Starting the Game (16:13)
Enter Gravity: Flappy can Fly and Fall (12:05)
Flappy Can Crash & Triggering New Games (15:42)
Programming Obstacles (16:45)
Showing the Score (18:47)
Finishing the Score and the Game (15:56)
Intro (2:39)
Controlling Pac-Man in the Maze (12:41)
Refining Pac-Man's Movement (15:12)
Inky the Ghost Moves by Itself! (12:30)
Inky the Ghost Moves by Itself, Part 2 (13:54)
A Swarm of Ghosts Chasing Pac-Man (15:40)
Pac-Man's Revenge (17:48)
Pac-Man's Lives (7:01)
The Dots (14:12)
Scoring and Finishing the Game (15:10)
You Rock!
Congratulations! (0:47)
Coordinates and Moving Platforms
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